Bible Devotions

Ecclesiastes 1:9

Ecclesiastes 1:9

“History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.” - Ecclesiastes 1:9

Nothing is changed, nothing is new, and nothing is understood.

When we leave God out of the picture, the world becomes a closed system that is uniform, predictable, and unchangeable. It becomes a world where there are no answers to prayer and no miracles.

But, when we have faith and receive Jesus, we no longer live in this endless monotonous cycle.

The world provides nothing new. Even Thomas Edison said that his inventions were only “bringing out the secrets of nature and applying them for the happiness of mankind.”

We want new things because God put eternity in our hearts, but no one can find such peace and satisfaction apart from Him.

And, sometimes things, this side of heaven, aren’t understood and God is not obligated to explain them. In fact, if He did, we might not understand them!

God has ordained that His people live by promises and not by explanations, by faith and not by sight.

For some people, life may be monotonous and meaningless; but it doesn’t have to be. For the Christian believer, life is an open door, not a closed circle; there are daily experiences of new blessings from the Lord. True, we can’t explain everything; but life is not built on explanations; it’s built on promises – and we have plenty of promises in God’s Word!

Reference: Be Satisfied by Warren W. Wiersbe


Ecclesiastes 1:3

Ecclesiastes 1:3

“Absolute futility,” says the Teacher, “Absolute futility. Everything is futile.” What does a man gain for all his efforts he labors at under the sun? - Ecclesiastes 1:2-3

Ecclesiastes is written about life from the human point of view, under the sun.

From this perspective, life appears futile, empty, and meaningless, and we can become pessimistic.

Life under the sun causes us to live for the world and adopt wrong values, leading to disappointment and defeat.

As we discover our experiences with life, there is no lasting satisfaction in possessions, pleasures, power, or prestige. We could have everything, yet our life would still be empty. 

Everything we live and work for under the sun will ultimately perish, and so will we.

There is comfort in knowing that Jesus came for us to have life, to have it more abundantly. However, we must put our faith in Him and receive the gift of eternal life. We must turn from the futility of sin and the world, repent and confess, and begin to look at life from above the sun.

When we live a life above the sun, focused on obeying God’s will and enjoying all that He gives us, it is only then we will be satisfied.

“This man had been living through all these experiences under the sun, concerned with nothing above the sun . . . until there came a moment in which he had seen the whole of life. And there was something over the sun. It is only as a man takes account of that which is over the sun as well as that which is under the sun that things under the sun are seen in their true light” (Fleming H. Revell Company, 1961, p.229).

Reference: Be Satisfied by Warren W. Wiersbe




🎵 When I thought I lost me
You knew where I left me
You reintroduced me to Your love
You picked up all my pieces
Put me back together
You are the defender of my heart

Hallelujah, You have saved me
So much better this way
Hallelujah, great Defender
So much better Your way

And all I did was praise
All I need to do is worship
Lord, I will just bow down
I'm just gonna stay still 🎵

“Music is one of the ways we make sense of our lives, one of the ways in which we express feelings when we have no words, a way for us to understand things with our hearts when we can’t with our minds.” - Karl Paulnack

Be sure to listen to this powerful song, “Defender,” written by Steffany Gretzinger!

The concept of this song comes from Exodus 14:14, which you are also encouraged to read.


Philippians 3:13

Philippians 3:13

“…but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” - Philippians 3:13

As humans, we have a hard time forgetting the past, and it is easier to remember the bad instead of the good.

We tend to take our past failures, disappointments, and pain and carry them around with us. This baggage is then dragged into our jobs, relationships, and other life plans, which not only hurts us but others.

Eventually, this will cost us. The longer we carry around the baggage and the more we have, the more it will weigh us down, keeping us stuck in pain and fear.

Our thoughts might be we deserve that misery, or maybe we don’t know how to let go of the past. Either way, because of Christ, we are no longer defined by our past. God has given us a hope and a future.

To experience the peace, joy, and hope that God has to offer us, we must leave our baggage behind and focus on God’s promises for our future.

The best way is to acknowledge our past and give it all to God through prayer. Then read the promises He gives us in His Word. Lastly, let God work.

God will not only heal us, but He will also lead us away from our baggage towards the perfect plan He has for our lives.


Proverbs 22:6

Proverbs 22:6

“Train up a child in the way he should go; Even when he is old he will not depart from it” - Proverbs 22:6

As parents, we have an incredible responsibility that God has placed in our hands.

We are to teach our children the things that matter to God. We are to demonstrate a true faith where our focus is on loving God and loving others.

Our main purpose is to reflect God’s image for our children to see.

That’s why the time our children are in our homes is crucial. God has given us this responsibility, so it is our duty to have an active role in their spiritual development.

The family is what God uses to grow His people and His kingdom. We are extremely influential in our children’s lives, so we need to use this time to teach them about God.

If we are focused on God, reflecting Him through our actions, our children will often imitate us. They can then grow up knowing Christ, which will matter to their future.

A few weeks ago, my daughter got married, and my husband and I sent her off on her new journey. We pray as parents, even though we fell short many times, we did our best to train her in the way she will go so that she will not depart from God.

We pray too, that when times seem difficult, she always turns to and remembers her own life verse, Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

May her and her husband both continue to look to God first so both their roads not only lead them to Him but closer to each other.


Happy New Year.jpg

Mark 11:22-24

Have faith in 2021!

God will do miracles in your life, but you must look with faith, not fear. Don't doubt what He wants to do in your life.

"Jesus did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith," - Matthew 13:58

"Have faith in God! If you have faith in God and don't doubt, you can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the sea, and it will. Everything you ask for in prayer will be yours, if you only have faith." - Mark 11:22-24

Happy New Year and may your faith be strong in 2021!


Hebrews 4:16

Hebrews 4:16

The year 2020 was filled with all kinds of struggles, disappointments, adversities, temptations, and sufferings.

Often people talked about how they couldn’t wait to put this year behind them and that Christmas, and life in general, just wasn’t the same. 

That is why it is so comforting to know that we can look to Jesus as our perfect example. He has personally endured all that we have and understands what it means to be human. Therefore, we can confidently approach God’s throne of grace and receive the strength we need to move forward. 

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” - Hebrews 4:16

We must make every effort in this new-year, 2021, to gain our inheritance in Christ, for nobody fully understands our pain better than Him. 

It is impossible to make it through this life without God’s grace. We are helpless and will only fail if we rely on our abilities.

When we fully know Christ and rely on and trust in Him completely, we will be strengthened and encouraged.

A final thought:
As many of us have focused on the negative aspects of 2020, I challenge you to meditate on God’s many blessings of the year and use them to grow in your walk with Jesus.


Romans 3:24-25

Romans 3:24-25

Not only can you receive the greatest gift ever this Christmas, but you can share it too!

God gave us this gift, and it cost Him everything.

“Out of sheer generosity God put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we’re in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. God sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the world to clear that world of sin.” - Romans 3:24-25

God sent His son, Jesus, who willingly paid the price we could never pay for all of our sins. With this and God’s grace, He offers us the gift of salvation. What good news!

Just as a present for us under the tree, this gift is available to all of us; all we have to do is accept it!

We can then share this Good News with others so they too can receive the greatest gift ever!

Have a blessed and Merry Christmas!


Luke 2:7

Luke 2:7

Even today, this holds true. There is no room.

As Christmas approaches, the one thing that is most important seems to be the one thing on which we lose our focus. Our lives become too full, and there is no more room.

We tend to get wrapped up in the holiday rush, giving our attention to what seems to be more important when the most important thing gets pushed aside. 

This most important thing is Jesus, and we need to make room for Him. We need to put Jesus first.

Jesus brings true meaning to Christmas. He also brings peace and joy during this busy season and is worth our time and attention.

May we give Him room and live this out this Christmas season.


James 4:2

James 4:2

No one can, or will, ever fill the needs in your life like God.

However, we usually look to those we feel know us best and whom we trust. Whether in a marriage, with family, co-workers, or a friendship, we expect them to keep us physically, emotionally, and spiritually fulfilled.

Well, that’s not fair or even realistic and will only lead to frustration, and most likely, a conflict. Plus, no matter who they are, they too are broken like us.

God is the only one who truly knows you and can provide for your every need.

Instead of looking to others, whatever your need may be, go to God first and pray about it.

“You don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it.” - James 4:12


Matthew 14:30-31

Matthew 14:30 - 31

What faith Peter had when he stepped out of the boat and walked on water towards Jesus. But after a while, he began to sink.

As Peter saw the wind and waves increasing, he found himself in a situation he couldn’t control, and his faith in Jesus decreased.

Jesus reached out and saved him. However, He asked, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

We can act like Peter as well when the winds and waves of our life become overwhelming. These problems tend to become what we fix our eyes on, causing us to lose sight and faith in our Savior.

The faith we need is not based on just our first few steps but on every step that follows. We must not lose sight knowing that if Jesus called us to take that step, then He will always be near.

Do not doubt and get tossed around in the waves. Step out and have faith, for Jesus will not abandon us or let us sink, no matter how big the storm.


1 Thessalonians 5:18

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Thanksgiving is a day where we reflect upon the year’s highs and lows, and we’ve definitely had our fair share of them this year.

We must understand that because of God’s grace and mercy, we can be thankful in all of them, knowing that He is directing them for our good and His glory.

God wants more than anything for us to be filled with joy and faith in Him, for it is with this that no circumstance can take away our thanksgiving.

Have a blessed, safe, and joyful Thanksgiving with your family and loved ones!


1 Corinthians 15:33

1 Corinthians 15:33

You become like the five people you spend the most time with!

It is important to know that God wants us to love and care for everyone, so this is not to say that we shouldn’t hang with non-Christians. How else would we be able to share and spread the Good News?

It does mean, however, that our closest and best friends should be Christians and strong believers. Ones that not only build us up but keep us moving in the right direction.

With that, we need to be intentional when we choose these friends and with whom we spend most of our time. We must work on building up those relationships.

These relationships and people with whom you spend most of your time not only determine who you are but who you will become.


1 Peter 5:8

1 Peter 5:8

Is the enemy devouring you?

Whether through our temptations or thoughts, the devil is constantly coming against us. He is always trying to lie, kill, and destroy us in any way he can.

So, how do we ward him off?

Jesus gives us an example. When Satan tempted Him in the desert, He warded him off by speaking God’s Word back to him.

It’s not much different for us. God’s Word is sufficient to combat the devil. But, to do so, we must fill ourselves with scripture. By staying in His Word, God speaks to us, bringing drastic results on our hearts and perspectives.

The devil only wants our destruction. God wants to protect us, so He equipped us with tools to combat the devil’s schemes.

By following Jesus’ example, keeping a pure mind focused on God, and living a life of obedience with a godly character, we can keep from being devoured by our great enemy.


The farther we are from God and His Word, the closer the devil gets to his prey. If we fill ourselves with scripture, it leaves little room for the devil to consume and devour us.


2 Corinthians 12:7

2 Corinthians 12:7

What is the thorn in your flesh?

The apostle Paul talks about a thorn being in his flesh, the thorn here meaning his afflictions. Even though he begged and pleaded three times for the thorn to be removed, God chose for it to remain.

We all have thorns in our lives for a reason. These thorns are brought to us for own personal and spiritual growth.

They can be areas in our lives that show where we are trying to act independently from God, for example. Therefore, God will use our circumstances and discomforts to reveal our dependence on Him.

Although we all hate the suffering, our thorns don’t need to be taken from us to have hope and joy. We can find this by knowing we belong to God and that He can accomplish great things, despite our weaknesses. For when we are weak, then He is strong.

Whatever your thorn may be at the moment, God put it there for a reason, for us to trust Him and to completely rely on Him. He not only wants us to be humble and obedient, but He also wants to remind us that His grace is enough.

Knowing this, we need to work to be content with our thorns. For the thorn in our flesh is just the thing we need to accomplish God’s purpose in our lives.


2 Corinthians 4:18

2 Corinthians 4:18

In what seems like dark and evil times in our world, it can be difficult to have faith and trust in God.

There’s an eternal hope offered to us that never disappoints. It’s the hope found in Jesus. However, to understand that hope, we need to have the right perspective.

Instead of focusing on the now and the things that are temporary, we need to shift that focus to what is eternal.

Our current sufferings, whether we’re going through difficult times, uncertainties, or even a lifelong problem, are all temporary. These things we tend to focus on, as unbearable as they may seem, aren’t here to stay and will not be taken into eternity.

When our focus is on what is eternal, it allows us to endure these sufferings. They’ll even seem light and short compared to those of eternity that’ll far outweigh and outlast the sufferings of this life. They’ll be beyond comparison and comprehension.

When our faith and trust are challenged to things of this world, we need to look to the unseen world for encouragement. We need to find our hope in Jesus and look with eyes of faith to things we cannot see to get a glimpse of eternity.


Job 23:10

Job 23:10

No one’s path is free from tests and trials. 

Even Jesus walked a path filled with many temptations and trials, suffering earthly fires of adversity. But He kept going, even to the point of enduring the cross. He did this knowing there was great joy ahead. 

We are also to continue on our path and go through fires, knowing we will come forth as gold, like Job. Job’s life was filled with fires, but he did not allow them to scorch him. Instead, they became a tool that purified his life into the one God desired for him.

We must understand God wants to remove our impurities, and it takes fire to refine gold. The adversities we face are only momentary, and there is hope beyond the fires.   

Now, we may not understand why we must go through all theses tests and trials; however, we do know God knows our path, and it is not without purpose. He knows the plan for us, and they are for good, not evil.

Our paths may be fiery, filled with earthly fires of adversities, but God is refining and reshaping our lives so that we will come forth as gold.


Galatians 6:4 - 5

Galatians 6:4 - 5

Ever compare yourself to others? We do it all the time.

The problem with comparing is that we are each unique. God created each one of us like a puzzle, creating a distinct and beautiful picture just as He intended.

The greatest thing about our puzzle is that we get to discover the pieces and choose how to use them. 

The pieces of our puzzle are the gifts that God has given us and specifically put together for each one of us. Just like our pieces won’t fit into someone else’s puzzle, neither will anyone else’s pieces fit into ours. 

If we compare ourselves to others, it will only lead to frustration. When we focus on others or what they see in us, it keeps us from doing what we’re supposed to do. It’s as if we are doing it for our fulfillment or that of the world, and not honoring God by completing His puzzle and picture meant for us.

We must examine our pieces and focus on what God sees in us. It's only then that we will find peace. It’s also where we will find our greatest joy and fruitfulness, all while fulfilling our unique purpose in life.

The pieces of our puzzle and the picture we're creating weren't designed to fulfill us but to use as a platform to share God’s word and love.

Take your unique pieces and put together your puzzle with a heart for Him. It'll change your approach, reactions, and emotions, helping you to love and serve. That is what makes all the difference!

Taken from and inspired by Pastor Don Brock’s sermon. Also inspired by the following IG handles, @triangleartspainting, and @munaskips, and through her recent post, @cncll.hophop, and @jumpropegal.


Never Forget.

Lamentations 3:20 - 23

“I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss. Yet I still date to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.”


Matthew 5:13-16

Matthew 5:13 - 16

We must continue being salt and light, standing firm, and speaking the truth.

Jesus told us in these verses that we ARE salt and light; it is not an option. He used salt and light as illustrations on how we should influence the world around us.

Why salt and light? Well, they both have properties that affect things around them.

Salt is used both as a flavor enhancer and a preservative. We are to add flavor to life, influencing the world for good. We are also to preserve the earth by stopping the moral decay of our sin-infected world. Ultimately, we should be exemplifying the love of Christ and returning good for evil.

However, we as Christians must not lose our flavor. If we do, we are no longer good and need to be thrown out. It is important to confess our sins and let the Lord restore us and our purpose. 

Light is an illuminator. Our presence in this world should be like a light in the darkness. By sharing the truth of God’s Word, it will bring light to hearts darkened by sin. By making our good works evident for all to see, it will show Christ’s presence in our lives. We must be the light that leads others to Him and away from the darkness.

However, our light as Christians may become dim when we aren’t obedient to the Spirit within us. We must stand firm and choose what is best and pleasing to the Lord.

To influence those around us, we must remain focused on Christ and be obedient to Him so that we may remain the salt and light of the world.


Psalm 119:104

Psalm 119:104

Know the truth by studying God’s Word.

We easily fall for foolish ideas when we don’t know the truth, so it is crucial to stay in God’s Word and study it every day.

The only required knowledge and correct view of things come from the Bible. Everything contrary to God’s Word is not according to the truth.

If we know the truth, then we will know and be able to spot a lie.

God gifted us with His Word to give us the wisdom we need to not fall for such foolish ideas.

By obeying and applying God’s Word to our lives, it makes us wiser than our enemies, gives us more knowledge and understanding, and keeps us from sin so that we may live a fulfilling and productive life.

The Bible gives us a complete history of the world from beginning to end. It tells us about life, death, the reason for sin, what sin is, and tells us of the love of God and the need for a Savior.

To learn more about the benefits of loving God’s Word, you are encouraged to read all of chapter 119.


1 Thessalonians 5:17

1 Thessalonians 5:171

Stop! Take a deep breath and pray!

Take 60 seconds to slow down, be still, and go before God with all of your cares. Lay it all down at His feet.

Prayer changes things.

“Prayer is the difference between the best I can do and the best God can do.” – Pastor Don Brock

We need prayer, and it should be something we do consistently as part of our daily lives, not just when we need something. “Never stop praying.” (1 Thes. 5:17)

We can pray while driving, working, walking, or anytime throughout our busy day. It doesn’t have to be complicated. God responds and even delights in any simple words we offer up to Him.

Here is a great acronym that captures the essence of prayer and can be a helpful guide when praying:

PRAISE – give God thanks for His goodness and our many blessings

REPENT – confess our sins and refocus our minds and hearts on Him

ASK – ask God for His intervention in the lives of those who need it

YIELD – yield to Him knowing that in His time and His way, He will show us the way

God just wants us to pray and loves it when we do. It doesn’t matter when, where, or how. He wants us to pray regularly with admiration and humility. He wants us to trust Him, knowing that He will always do what’s best for us, even when it conflicts with what we want.

Thanks for your time, jumpers!

Have a blessed day, and let’s get training!


We can’t claim ownership of our soul or our physical body. God the Son came and paid the ultimate price for us. We belong to Him, and His Holy Spirit dwells inside of us. He did this so that His presence can be seen in the world in which we live.

We should be living and using our bodies in ways that honor and glorify God, a challenge that shouldn’t be taken lightly. To do so, we must invest in ourselves and take care of our bodies. We must take everything out that prevents us from serving, worshiping, and honoring Him.

We belong to God. Our bodies are a reflection to the world of His beauty, goodness, and strength.

What are you reflecting?


Philippians 4:8

Philippians 4:8

We are responsible for our thoughts. They are something we develop and feed. Ultimately, how we think determines how we act.

As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are challenged through scripture to think about good things; whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. These things are a filter to help us see how we currently think and to lead us towards godly thinking. 

There are many things we expose ourselves to, like social media, that numb our minds and fill us with opinions, ads and everyone else’s problems; many toxic voices. We are exchanging the words of God for words online, which affect how our brains process information. 

What we think about and look at is important to our mental and physical health. Many times, we push ourselves to the limit. We must be aware of the information we are consuming.

God’s word tells us exactly what we are to consume, and we must think about such things. That involves intentionally focusing on and filling our minds with things for which we can praise God.

What are you thinking about? Is it helpful or healing, or is it harmful?


1 Corinthians 6:19-20

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

To whom do we belong? 

We can’t claim ownership of our soul or our physical body. God the Son came and paid the ultimate price for us. We belong to Him, and His Holy Spirit dwells inside of us. He did this so that His presence can be seen in the world in which we live.

We should be living and using our bodies in ways that honor and glorify God, a challenge that shouldn’t be taken lightly. To do so, we must invest in ourselves and take care of our bodies. We must take everything out that prevents us from serving, worshiping, and honoring Him.

We belong to God. Our bodies are a reflection to the world of His beauty, goodness, and strength.

What are you reflecting?


Psalm 33:12

Psalm 33:12

July 4th is a time to remember and give thanks to our forefathers for their wisdom, faith, and courage. For building this nation upon a strong foundation rooted in God and His laws.

Even though it seems the foundation is collapsing, the one that has held our nation together, God is always good. He continues to uphold His goodness in all nations, good or bad.

It is important to thank God for His continued goodness and for all that our freedom allows. As we look to the past with gratitude, we must also look to the future with faith and commitment to God and His will.

It was people of faith, that were reliant on God, who founded this great nation. Let’s celebrate and use our freedom to share the truth with others and show them in whom life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are found.

One nation, under God!

God bless America!!


Colossians 3:13

Colossians 3:13

“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

Forgiveness is so important, yet not so easy.

There are usually hurtful life experiences that hinder our willingness to forgive. Because of these experiences, we may hold grudges, become bitter, or even get angry.

So, how do we forgive, and where do we find the strength?

It’s costly to forgive; it cost God His Son. Jesus gave His life so that we can live ours free from sin. We must also die, in a sense. We have to let things like revenge, pride, and selfishness die inside of us. Our hurtful life experiences must be dealt with, put to death, and forgiveness given. 

To find the strength to forgive, we need to turn to the cross and remember the price paid and that God doesn’t hold our sins against us or even make us pay for them. God wants us to forgive and free others from their sin, just as we have been.

None of us deserves forgiveness, yet every day, He forgives us. And to think, our debt is far greater than anyone’s sins against us.

True forgiveness is a choice, an important one. Don’t wait any longer!


Ephesians 6:4

Ephesians 6:4

God, our heavenly Father, is the perfect example of what a father should be.

Well, God has given our earthly fathers, the privilege of resembling Him as a Father, an incredible one, but even more, an incredible responsibility.

A man must first be a husband. He must love, honor, nourish, and cherish his wife in every aspect of her life. His faith must also be strong as he sets the tone for his family’s spirituality. Only then can he be prepared to become a good father.

A good father must bring his children up in the way of the Lord, instruct them, encourage them, discipline them, and comfort them. He must do his very best to follow God as his example in all that he does.

That is a huge challenge that lies before fathers, but with God, these men can lead spiritual homes and bring up spiritual children, even in the immoral and wicked ways of this world.

Our fathers may fall short, for only God is the perfect Father, so we need to pray for all fathers, that they allow God to fill them with His wisdom so that they can father their children and fulfill these God-given responsibilities.

As we celebrate Father’s Day, let’s give thanks to our heavenly Father for his perfect love and example. Let’s also show love, honor, and respect for our earthly fathers, trusting that God will empower them on their challenging journey of fatherhood.

Happy Father’s Day!


Revelation 3:20

Revelation 3:20

Today we are weathering many storms, some internal, some external, some individually and some collectively. 

The world’s way of living has caught up with us. Things are being stirred up or even stripped away from us, causing us to become unsure, anxious, desperate, and negative towards God and His way.

The important question we must ask ourselves is,  “Where do we find direction, truth, and comfort?”

There is only one answer, one place. A place filled with every human condition, every possible emotion, and every issue in our lives, every single one. A place filled with truth, hopes, promises, and eternal life.

So, what is the answer?

The answer is the Bible. God’s Word is without a doubt the only source that will outlast any storm.

God is at your door, knocking. He is always on time, ready to receive you, guide you, and instruct you in every aspect of your life. It is His truths and promises that will bring us direction, comfort, and peace that we are all longing to find.


James 4:14

James 4:14

We’ve all heard the saying, “Life is short!” Well, it is.

Life is short and uncertain. Just like fog, we are here one minute, gone the next. God doesn’t promise us tomorrow.

Because our lives are so brief, and the fact He doesn’t promise us tomorrow, it is crucial to make the most of today!

God has given us today! So, ask yourself, what is your life? Are you making the most of it?

This doesn’t mean doing whatever you want. It means evaluating our lives to see if we are living and doing things in light of eternity. Our death is certain, and it’s best to be prepared and ready.

We need not be so prideful and arrogant; we need to live in humility and without a worldly attitude. The best way is to humble ourselves before God, obey His will and instructions, letting Him change our hearts and know He is in control. When we know what is right, and we don’t do it, it is sin.

In our evaluations, we need to get things right with God first and then with our family, friends and others. Whether you need to repent, thank them, spend time with them, forgive them. Whatever it is, commit to doing it today! For we don’t know what tomorrow will bring.

When we know and do things in Christ and for Christ that is when we will see change and have life everlasting.

So, ask yourself again, what is your life?


Matthew 6:33

Matthew 6:33

As with every verse, it is important to read the surrounding verses to truly grasp its meaning.

The surrounding verses here talk about how we should not worry or be anxious. That we need to consider how God provides even for the small creatures, the birds, and they don’t worry because God supplies their daily needs.

It is in our human nature to worry and be anxious, but God gives us an alternative. He invites us to put Him first.

To put God first means we need to order our priorities. The things of God need to be a priority over the things of the world; they have greater value than all the riches of the world. It also means we need to avoid things that come between God and us and live according to His instructions.

When the order of our priorities, the decisions we make, and the value we give everything in our lives is in obedience to God’s way, achieving our spiritual purpose, He promises to give us everything we need.


Psalm 46:10

Psalm 46:10

Be still and know that I am God.

What a powerful message in just a few words.

Words many of us need to hear and be reminded of daily.

To be still. Doesn’t that sound relaxing and like a huge relief?

We need to learn to be still and just be.

No matter what might be going on in our lives, whether it’s something in our job, fighting an inner battle, or even trying to achieve a goal, we seem to get so caught up in the process and striving to perfect it. This only causes stress and frustration. Because of this, there are so many things we miss out on and don’t get to enjoy.

What we need to do is step back, get perspective, and get in-tune with our relationship with God.

To know. Doesn’t that sound comforting, encouraging, and reassuring?

We need to know that He is God.

We have to stop trying to do things on our own, stop striving, stop fighting, and stop stressing. God is our refuge and strength. He will fight our battles.

What we need to do is be still, trust Him, acknowledge Him, and know what He can do. Then get out of His way and let Him do the work.

 It is then, that we won’t get caught up in the process of striving to perfect things; we will truly get to enjoy them instead.

 To be still and to know God is where we will find peace and comfort in all we are and all we do.


Isaiah 66:13

Isaiah 66:13

What a true blessing it is to have a mother and to be a mother, one of God’s greatest gifts.

From mothers come important virtues such as sacrifice, compassion, sharing, and valuing others.

As a child is developing in the womb until after a child is born, a mother continues to sacrifice her needs for those of her children. It is how God designed women.  

Mothers were also designed by God to nurture. There’s a special love and comfort that mothers have for their children. They know exactly what their child needs and adapt accordingly.

Even God describes his love for Israel with the metaphor of motherhood because there is no greater comfort and nurture than that of a mother.

Take time to thank your mother. She might not be perfect or have done things right, but she gave you life, sacrifices for you, and does what she can to prepare you to be a loving person.

Remember too to celebrate God, not only for giving you a mother but also for the motherly comfort He provides to you daily as His child.

Happy Mother’s Day!


Ephesians 6:11

Ephesians 6:11

Being a Christian means we accept a life-long battle.

Not an earthly, physical battle, but a spiritual one.

But how do we enter into this type of battle? How do we fight? How do we win?

We must put on His FULL armor. Just like a soldier, who is not able to go into battle with only some weapons, we need every part of God’s armor to be successful.

We must STAND firm. These battles involve us holding a firm defense against evil. Satan specifically schemes to destroy our work. He is always looking for a way in and knows exactly how to get to each one of us.

The power we have available to us through God is no match for Satan’s. We must stay guarded with the FULL armor of God.

  1. Belt of Truth –The truth of God’s word holds our armor together.

  2. Breastplate of Righteousness - God’s word and righteousness protects our hearts, overcoming our flesh, and defeating the enemy.

  3. Fitted Feet – The Gospel is our foundation and helps us to stand firm.

  4. Shield of Faith – Our faith is our shield, trusting in God’s power and protection.

  5. Helmet of Salvation – Without our salvation, there is no victory.

  6. Sword of the Spirit – God’s word is our sword to fight and defeat all enemies.

Lastly, we need prayer. All other pieces of armor are based on our need for His strength. We are powerless without God, and through prayer, He guides us on how to act and move.

As God’s soldiers, we must fight these battles daily to triumph over Satan and transform the world, allowing Christ to win the ultimate victory.


James 1.22.jpg

James 1:22

If you want to change physically, what do you do? You might change your diet or start working out. But if you don’t do those things, it won't change you.

The Bible works in much the same way. You must do what it says for it to change you.

A lot of times, we just "read" the words, we "hear" the passage or sermon, or just "see" a devotion . . . but they are "living" words and we need to let those words work in our lives. We need to do what it says, and if we do, it will change us.

I don’t know about you, but the Bible talks to me. It shows me things like my sins, commands to obey, or how to pray. Same with sermons and devotions.

Have you ever read God's word or heard a sermon and say, “Wow, that’s exactly how I’ve been feeling,” or, “That applies to me and my life right now.” That’s what makes God's word, "living" words. God is talking to you. He always knows what you need and when you need it.

So, however you receive God’s word, respond to it, do what it says, and let it change you. Not only will you see how it changes you, but you will come to see its many other blessings.


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1 Peter 1:3

We live in a world full of brokenness and darkness. One where death is at work in our bodies and souls.

How can we see this at this as a good thing?

Because no matter what we have been through, what we are facing today, and what uncertainties lie ahead, there is hope!

This is how God works, through death and resurrection, and we need resurrection.

Well, Jesus made this possible! He is our living hope. His death on the cross set us free from all our sins, giving us a new life on earth. His resurrection gave us eternal life.

We may experience all kinds of deaths, but we must have faith knowing that God allows them to resurrect His greater plan. We've already seen the power of God through the resurrection of Jesus. We know there is much more to come.

Let's celebrate in this hope, knowing that what may look like death, might just be a new beginning, a resurrection.


It Is Finished.jpg

John 19:30

Jesus' death was the very reason He came. 

God created us to glorify and love Him, but He knew we would fall short because of our sins, leaving our work unfinished. He sent His son to finish that work for us.

Jesus paid for all of our sins with His work on the cross. No longer do we need to "earn" forgiveness. By grace and faith, Jesus' finished work became ours. 

Knowing this, we can rest, give God the glory and love Him. 

What can you learn from Jesus' last words for your life?

Let's try to live a life like Christ. One with purpose using our God-given gifts and abilities, one with obedience to God and not ourselves, one in humility willing to sacrifice and serve others, and one willing to suffer in difficult times and not give up so that we can fulfill God's plan.

Then we too can say, "It is finished."


2 Chronicles 20-15.jpg

Chronicles 20:15

Whatever battle you are facing it's not yours, but God's.

Trust and believe in His promises when you face what seems to be impossible. Once you know your battle is beyond your power, you must surrender it to the Lord.

What battle are you facing today? Does it seem impossible? Do you feel hopeless?

You can end your battle by not giving in to your fears and doubts, where Satan loves to live, but by putting your confidence and complete trust in the Lord.

Your faith calls you to leave all of your problems, fears, and anxieties in His hands. In doing so, and rejecting Satan's lies that enter into your mind, you can expect God to work in your situation, bringing an end to your battle.


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Isaiah 40:31

When we rely on our own strength we will stumble and fall.

Even the strongest of people are overwhelmed by life's storms and difficulties. 

Our human resources and inner strengths are insufficient and limited. 

Once we are brought to the end of ourselves, admit our weaknesses and inabilities, then we can find a "new" strength.

A strength that comes from God himself. It will lift us on eagle's wings to carry us through life's storms and difficulties. 

This is a promise for those who trust in the Lord.


Psalm 46_1.jpg

Psalm 46:1

God is our refuge and strength, today, tomorrow and always. We must practice faith, not fear in times of uncertainty or trouble. 

Take a moment to ask yourself: 

How can I take refuge in Him? 

How can His strength help me? 

Lastly, God responds to prayer, so lift up your fear to our Lord and trust in Him so that we may soon witness his power.
